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Get in touch!

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If you would like to contact the station on a general issue, please email: Alternative, use the contact form above!


If you would like to advertise on ABC, please email:


If you would like to get involved in the station in any way, please  email:


If you would like to contact the live on-air presenter or the studio at  ABC, please email:


If you would like to comment on our programming or the way the station  is run, please email:


If you would like to complain or make a right of reply to anything  broadcast on-air, please email:


ABC is a Community Radio Station which means that we are community owned  and operated on a voluntary basis. We try our best to represent the  community and adhere to the very highest professional standards in  broadcasting and community journalism, complying at all times to the  provisions of the Broadcasting Code. No matter how hard we try, we  acknowledge that at times we will make honest mistakes. Therefore, we  will treat seriously and respectfully any complaint you may have about  the content of our broadcasts or the way in which the station operates.  In the interest of transparency and fairness, we publish all complaints  online and where appropriate we will broadcast these on-air.


We take  this opportunity to outline how you should submit a complaint and how  your complaint will be dealt with:


1. Please submit your complaint in  writing to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Please ensure to  enclose a stamped addressed envelope with the appropriate postage to  receive an acknowledgement and response and ensure that you state that  your correspondence is a formal complaint, otherwise it will be  considered as a general complaint for directors to consider at their  next meeting.


2. We will acknowledge your formal complaint in writing  and request any additional clarifying information we require at this  stage.


3. Generally speaking, most formal complaints will be dealt with  by the voluntary Board of Directors. However, if we feel that your  complaint is about, or involves, the Board of Directors or their  stewardship of the station we may exceptionally seek external assistance  in the handling of your complaint.


4. We will respond to you, notifying  you of our findings and, if applicable, our proposals to resolve your  complaint provided you have provided a SAE with appropriate postage. 5.  In with Ofcom’s own published procedures, decisions of the Board are not  subject to appeal other than by way of Judicial Review in the High Court  of Northern Ireland.


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